· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · May
· · · · 31 (6 entries)

Keith and Angle Brackets · This, by Dave Walker, shows up fifteen messages or so into the comments on a Dive Winer piece, and I can’t link to it directly (nothing purple) [Update: yes there is, and I can], but it’s way too good to pass up: When the world ends, the only things left will be cockroaches, rats, Keith Richards, and mangled text that has been escaped one-too-many or one-too-few times.
Tim Does Owl for Kiwis · I subscribe to a feed over at PubSub to see who’s talking about me. Occasionally, it turns up a surprise. I’ve known about this other Mr. B. for some years, and figured it was time I gave him a hand because the poor guy is severely handicapped in getting noticed online. I’ve always loved The Owl and the Pussycat (runcible spoon, anyone?) and I’d take the kid in a flash if we were going to be near Auckland in July. If you are and have a kid to take, do so and post a review.
Purple Pilcrows · When everyone from Lauren to Aaron Swartz is whining at me to make the #-marks go away, I have to listen. I’ve adapted Simon Willison’s brilliant hack, and a couple of remarks are worth making ...
Flowers for San Francisco · There are quite a few people dropping by ongoing today on account of the article in the Chronicle about advertising. Among other things, it says I run lots of flower pictures, only I haven’t for a while, so here are some ...
SOA Talk · I’m listening to Steve Gillmor, Doc Searls, Jon Udell, Dana Gardner, and Dan Farber talk about SOA via “The Gillmor Gang” at ITConversations. Herewith some observations on the form and content ...
James Surowiecki · This gentleman writes regularly in The New Yorker on issues of business and economics, and is one of the reasons I regularly buy that magazine. Today he’s got a fascinating essay in Wired on collective corporate wisdom. Seems to me that there’s a good case to be made that the companies who figure out how to put this to work are the ones that are going to win.
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