· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · May
· · · · 28 (3 entries)

Identifiers · Mark Pilgrim has a good piece today on how to choose permanent identifiers. I’m going to pay him the compliment of disagreeing at length ...
Margin Breakage · The recent OS X update 1.3.4 included Safari version 1.2.2, which has a buglet whose symptoms may be observed, if you’re reading this at ongoing rather than in an aggregator, just to your right, where the drop shadow on the little picture is borked. This technique is straight from Villareal as written up recently in A List Apart, so I suspect it’ll bite a few people here and there. Reproducible on the dev builds inside Apple, thus soon to be fixed I’m sure.
Spasms · A Japanese friend of many years has changed his email address and explains why: I had to do this change to avoid tens of hundreds of spasms and unsolicited emails I receive every day. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
author · Dad
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