I got finished a little early Thursday and when I got to the hotel the sun was coasting low with not many clouds about, definitely a photo opp; so I tossed the gear in the room and sallied forth with the camera. Unfortunately, it was about 0°C with a brisk wind, so I sallied right in again before very long, with numbed extremities. But I got three shots that I think worth looking at. I seriously considered splicing them into the narrative I’m going to write about OpenOffice and the future of XML and blogging clients and so on, just to force the pix on the geex, but that would be dishonourable.
First, that sunflower. Hamburg has this very pretty central fountain which appears on all the postcards; but not looking like this. You might want to give it a click for the full-size version.
These next two came out despite me having to brace myself against the wind and my own shivering.
I’d like to go back and check Hamburg out sometime when I have some time and the weather’s a little better. It’s pretty, and there’s a lot of challenging modern architecture that pleased my eye, in passing at least. I hear the cultural flavour is unique; and maybe if I’m cruising through the nightlife district a skinny guy with a North England accent will ask me to sit in on drums for what turns out to be the Next Big Thing...