· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · March
· · · · 15 (5 entries)

</TAG> · Today I resigned from the W3C TAG; the W3C Process Document is 100% crystal clear that a single company can’t have two representatives, and Norm Walsh is ably representing Sun. I’m sad, but not too sad. Sad because this is a great bunch of people and it’s been a blast working with them. On the other hand, we got a lot of work done, including taking our major deliverable to Last Call. Also, the TAG is pretty time-consuming, and I think the new job is going to consume more or less 100% of my time. Thanks for the good times, guys!
Office Markup Languages · I’ve been at Sun less than a day and this guy gets in touch. Guy: “You’re the XML expert, right?” Tim: “Well, er.” Guy: “Open Office’s XML is better than Microsoft Office XML, right?” Tim: “Uh, I don’t know.” ...
The Planet of the Photoshoppers · As noted a couple of days ago, I’ve been reading the excellent Photoshop Elements for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby. This provokes two meditations today; this on the observation that computer geeks and photo nerds come from different planets, and another on integrity, which is seriously in doubt ...
Photointegrity · As noted a couple of days ago, I’ve been reading the excellent Photoshop Elements for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby. This provokes two meditations today; this on integrity and another on the Planet of the Photoshoppers, which is far, far from ours ...
Sunny Boy · As of today, I work for Sun. Let’s see; Java rocks. Microsoft sucks. I can play that tune ...
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