· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · January
· · · · 20 (2 entries)

Nautical Geek Joke · As previously noted, I subscribed to The Gunroom, the online home of Patrick O’Brian fanciers; in the first day there have been two not-bad jokes. This one concerns a pirate’s parrot who got a bad case of sunstroke and was heard crowing Pieces of seven, pieces of seven. Which was clearly a parroty error.
Technorati β · Check out the Technorati Beta; several days each week I think Technorati is at The White-Hot Center Of It All, but that rests on the assumption that blogs are meaningful or even (dare I say the word) important. And I just don’t know; I’m too close to the problem. But I sure go there a lot.
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