· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · November
· · · · 12 (2 entries)

The Tiger and the Skateboard Punk · So I said to the oriental guy, the one with the cruel mustache and spiked hair, “Get me a tiger.” His eyes widened: “A Tiger?” But then “OK.” Outside, the skateboard careened downhill, death and the law waiting ...
Web Architecture in Yokohama · I’m heading to Japan this weekend for a W3C TAG face-to-face meeting; the only really significant item on the agenda is whether we can take the Architecture of the World Wide Web draft to “Last Call”, basically an assertion that we think we’re about done. This step is important because many people are (like me) too busy to read successive drafts of standards documents, so they wait until Last Call. We’ll be reviewing the latest Editor’s Draft, which got posted yesterday. I personally think it’s getting very close to Last-Call quality. It’s a public document and you might disagree with me; if you’d like to get in our faces in Japan, go read it, subscribe to our public mailing list, and get your input in before Saturday morning. Do not under any circumstances email me privately; this has to be done in public for a bunch of important reasons.
author · Dad
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are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

A full disclosure of my
professional interests is
on the author page.

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