Dub the Rock by Israel Vibration has been in heavy rotation in the car CD player in recent weeks. Dub as deep as the ocean and sweet as chocolate, ghosts of song structure and aetherial instrumentals floating over the vasty depths.
I thought this was just a random dub compilation but I asked Google and they’re a real reggae band, have a website, play concerts, and so on. Their web site doesn’t list this album (RAS 3190)—I bought it used in a bad part of Sydney—but based on it I’d take a chance on any of ’em.
The track titles are worthy of note: 1. Prejudice, 2. Danger, 3. Myself, 4. Forward, 5. Angel, 6. Family, 7. Hardship, 8. Times, 9. Love, 10. Influence, 11. Sweet, and 12. Cellblock.