It is old, but pleasant to the eyes and fingers.
The textured green cover is worked in gold.
The spine is decorated also and inscribed with the author’s name.
Inside the front cover are finely-decorated end-pieces. It was once for sale for 2.50 (in what coin? I can’t remember how it ended up in our library) and it was once for sale in Paris.
The fly-leaf tells that this was a gift to Enid from Winifred on January 11, 1906. Winifred’s hand is very fine.
The title page is perhaps a bit over-wrought for modern tastes, and (unlike the rest of the pages) faded.
Finally, here is Troy by Lord Byron. The typesetting, though a hundred years old, compares favorably with what I look at day to day. As to the poem, the judgement is yours.