· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · June
· · · · 13 (2 entries)

Antibiotic Days · James Herriot’s Yorkshire-vet stories include at least one about the early days of antibiotics, when the pathogens had no resistance and they routinely got miracle cures. This is a war story about when the Web was like a newly-arrived antibiotic; It’s here for nostalgia’s sake, because it’s kind of amusing, and because—something that means a lot to me—we achieved a good result by applying just a little technology in just the right place ...
Semantic Web: Gripes and A Way Forward · I got a really excellent letter from Mark Butler of HP, provoked by my RDF.net Challenge and the ensuing conversation. A pointer to his thoughts and one suggested way forward for the S.W ...
author · Dad
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