· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · April
· · · · 15 (2 entries)

Weblogging and Poetry · There's been an amusing ongoing flame recently directed by the acerbic Andrew Orlowski of The Register at the mighty Google. Orlowski scores some points, but his take on the relationship between bloggers and their audience is backwards, he's missing the parallel with poets and their audience ...
Tokyo Transit Maps · I'll be going to Tokyo for a W3C TAG meeting in November, and we're doing some logistics now months in advance to nail down the meeting location. I love the place, and a late-fall trip has the advantage that you can do some Christmas shopping, you just can't beat Tokyo for that. Anyhow, this note is just to give you a look at some way-cool transit maps I ran across ...
author · Dad
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are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

A full disclosure of my
professional interests is
on the author page.

I’m on Mastodon!