· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · April
· · · · 07 (2 entries)

Death by Music · “Music to Die For” is a not-uncommon expression but it makes me nervous since I'm among the people most likely to be a music fatality. This would happen when I'm driving and something comes on the radio that I haven't heard before that's so beautiful that it sucks up all my mental capacity. What's really sad is that I could easily take some innocents along with me, and they might hate music, which would be terribly unjust. It happened again this morning, but I survived and can tell you about an outstanding recording you've probably never heard of ...
On Being Wrong · What happened was, I wrote a small essay on the usage “What happened was...”, opining that it was American and had been dragged into the mainstream by Elmore Leonard. Was I ever wrong (also, a side-trip into Cornish comedy) ...
author · Dad
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I’m on Mastodon!