· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · February
· · · · 13 (4 entries)

Small XML-dev Flame War · I am a member of the xml-dev mailing list, the original XML-zealot conclave and home to most of the people in the world who worry seriously about XML in general; a very special and fortunately small shared obsession ...
Software Development is Like the National League · A brainstorming session this afternoon around a bunch of new features we've been pouring in for the retail-front-end modules of Visual Net. More or less the whole company either in the room or on the phone. Progress was made, in a National League rather than American League sort of way ...
Ward Cunningham on Naming and Being Finished · Jon Udell, currently at Infoworld, excerpts a long note from Ward Cunningham here. A couple of these remarks have been creating rumbling echoes that won't die down in the back of my brain ...
Narrow Columns, Please! · I am in the middle of reading what feels like an outstandingly deep, wise, and well-written essay by David Stutz, late of Microsoft, and the text was giving me a headache because the columns are too wide. Magazines and newspapers have long squeezed their relatively-dense content into narrow columns in the interest of readability, and the long-defunct Suck humor website rediscovered this principle for the Web - virtually every content site has now adopted it ...
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