NetNewsWire 1.0, the pay-for-it version, came out this week. <Disclosure>Brent of Ranchero gave me a freebie, but I would have paid, honest.</Disclosure>. Actually, off the top there are no obvious differences from the "Lite" version I've been using for months. Except for the business of moving to the next-unread article.
Used to be that command-G would do this. No longer; now the menu says command-+. What is this!?!? Three keys!?!?!? I email Brent. He emails back:
Space bar! It's extra-cool because it scrolls the description pane if needed before moving on to the next unread.
It's awfully nice; would be nicer if you could find out the keystroke without emailing the author. But it's wonderful that you can email the author and get an answer.