The first crocuses are there, splashes of violet and yellow (the yellow within the violet) in the deep green glow of the moss, which is enjoying winter after our last terribly dry summer. I can't put a picture in because Fujifilm has had my digicam in for service for the last 6 weeks (grrrrrrrrrrrrrr).
Later: Got the camera back eventually.
Spent time this morning fine-tuning the magnolia, pruning little bits the size of pencils or less, yes I recognize this is obsessive.
Also did a little winter maintenance on the climbing roses - the Mme Alfred Carriere continues its almost obscene vigor and is going to require the use of a laser cannon this summer I predict.
We don't have a TV (well we do, but for movies only, it doesn't get any channels). This is one of the few days of the year I regret it, I'd love to watch the Super Bowl but didn't manage to snag an invitation to a party. But the crocuses and magnolia are a pretty fair consolation.