Nobody can resist the force of a Silly Internet Meme. “Mom, Mark made me do it.”
~/ongoing/ 549> history|awk '{a[$2]++} END{for(i in a){printf "%5d\t%s \n",a[i],i}}'|sort -rn|head
127 cd
90 ls
31 scp
26 find
25 lh
16 ossh
14 vi
12 ruby
10 rm
9 ong
Let’s see, “scp” is
how pix get to “lh” is an alias for
ls -lt $@ | head -10
. “ossh” gets me to “ong”
updates this blog. Of course, this doesn’t reflect the always-on Emacs and
NetBeans, where most of the real work happens.
I ain’t tagging anyone.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Patrick (Apr 16 2008, at 03:16)
Felicity:~ patrick$ history|awk '{a[$2]++} END{for(i in a){printf "%5d\t%s \n",a[i],i}}'|sort -rn|head
118 cd
67 ls
50 ssh
26 git
25 cvs
24 ps
20 cvsrm
16 rssh
11 telnet
cvsrm is an alias for "rm $1 && cvs rm $1", rssh for "killall -HUP ssh", SVN manages not to appear because I interact with it entirely from Xcode or TextMate.
From: roberthahn (Apr 16 2008, at 05:56)
ooh! I like that lh idea. Added to my .bash_profile, thanks!
From: Mark (Apr 16 2008, at 08:53)
Can someone explain to us civilians what ls -lt $@ | head -10 does?
It seems to list up a bunch of server logs on our server, and a bunch of directories on my Mac.
From: Tim (Apr 16 2008, at 10:03)
Mark, that "lh" incantation lists the files that are most recently updated. Without arguments, in the current directory. If you say
"lh *.java"
You get the most recently updated *.java files.
From: Todd Sayre (Apr 16 2008, at 10:20)
todd@Ethics-Gradient:~/Documents/Rails/cbdb1.5/vendor/plugins/orderific$ history|awk '{a[$2]++} END{for(i in a){printf "%5d\t%s \n",a[i],i}}'|sort -rn|head
83 svn
79 sudo
67 rake
65 cd
48 ls
21 ll
19 history
17 la
13 port
8 rm
ls is an alias for 'gls --color=tty'
ll is an alias for 'gls --color=tty -lh'
la is an alias for 'gls --color=tty -a'
From: Seth W. Klein (Apr 17 2008, at 15:56)
--- ~/new T
history | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 10
333 tasks
20 next
14 rmm
14 mail-filter
13 vim
10 ls
9 rm
9 history
8 scan
8 refile
--- ~/new T
I couldn't resist replacing the awk with something I think easier on the fingers, eyes, and brain. And incidentally, more distributable.
tasks is 840 some lines of home grown and still evolving shell/gnuplot/graphviz/html that manages my GTD stuff. mail-filter and helpers are 500 lines of shell script atop crm114 (bayesianish filtering). And yep, I use nmh for mail.