Vancouver’s last two winters had no snow, and never even got very cold. Just now we’ve had a week of white pre-Christmas, with lows down to -8°C. But tonight the rain starts and we’ll hit 9 above tomorrow. So I went out to take snow pictures.

Berries with heavy snow
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Berries with heavy snow

Our magnolia is never not beautiful Let’s step back from it, enlarge our view enough to see the big evergreen behind it.

Snow-covered branches
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Snow-covered branches
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Snow-covered branches

At dusk I walked to the corner for groceries and fresh air, and saw this, photographed it, then came home and overprocessed it.

Snow-covered evergreen

Frankly, I’m looking forward to the rain.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

December 18, 2016
· Arts (11 fragments)
· · Photos (980 more)

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