Week ending Sunday 2010/07/18
Tuesday 00:29 · @vambenepe The plural is "octopods". Tsk. [Original, responding to @vambenepe.]
Tuesday 09:54 · @alancfrancis Not true. [Original, responding to @alancfrancis.]
Tuesday 10:59 · <snicker> unevengoogle.com/ [Original.]
Tuesday 16:31 · Aaaaaaaaaargh forgot my keystore password, can't update my LifeSaver app. Damn damn damn. [Original.]
Wednesday 10:34 · Concurrent NodeJS server: www.sitepen.com/blog/2010/07/14/multi-node-concurrent-nodejs-http-server/ Cool! Add a Rails-like framework & server-side JS could become a big deal. [Original.]
Wednesday 11:16 · On a Mac with SSD, Photoshop Elements starts up real fast. But then you have to wait for Adobe Updater to blow up and seize focus. [Original.]
Wednesday 15:19 · @sogrady You're probably thinking of Yegge's Rhino on Rails: steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2007/06/rhino-on-rails.html [Original, responding to @sogrady.]
Wednesday 17:32 · Concurrent List Update With Shuffling: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/07/13/Lock-Free-Array-Update [Original.]
Wednesday 21:38 · Keith Moon isolated on "Won't Get Fooled Again": bobbyowsinski.blogspot.com/ (via @penmachine) [Original.]
Thursday 07:28 · @Carnage4Life You're such an open-source purist. Who knew? [Original, responding to @Carnage4Life.]
Thursday 08:51 · Story becoming un-clear about alleged Droid-X brickage: www.boygeniusreport.com/2010/07/15/reality-check-modding-the-droid-x-may-not-lead-to-a-bricked-phone/ [Original.]
Thursday 15:52 · @sogrady That's opposite the Android hands-on which won't be over till 10-ish. [Original, responding to @sogrady.]
Thursday 17:04 · @michaelneale Blame me & XML for lots of things, but not SOAP nor all the hideousness built on top of it. [Original, responding to @michaelneale.]
Thursday 23:26 · @bascule Not that you're bitter. [Original, responding to @bascule.]
Friday 08:42 · Samsung claims to have sold a million of their "Galaxy" phones already; wow: www.samsunghub.com/2010/07/14/samsung-plans-to-sell-10m-galaxy-s-over-million-already-sold/ [Original.]
Friday 11:08 · Dana Blankenhorn seems to think the Moto boot-loader stuff is somehow relevant at the App Inventor level!?!? Highly misleading. [Original.]
Friday 12:43 · Hah, we snapped up metaweb/Freebase: googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/07/deeper-understanding-with-metaweb.html [Original.]
Friday 13:10 · US PTO changing policy on software patents post-Bilski? Big news if true. www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20100713173032257 [Original.]
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From: Grady (Jul 20 2010, at 21:44)
About Friday 12:43 — what ever happened with your rdf.net challenge?