Assignment for Dailyshoot 107 on 2010/03/02: “Find out what those buttons and dials on your camera do. Play today! Try a new setting and make a photo. (via @dibytes) ”

Grainy Rainbow

The rainbow was unearthly intense at sunset after a day of rain. I'd been dorking around with the camera for today's assignment, shooting ordinary trees with the camera in "Scene mode" (I don't know what that actually does) and at ISO1600 for extra oddness. Remember, this is a point-n-shoot (Ricoh GX100), so that ISO is way out of bounds. I got a chance to stroll around and try to capture the rainbow, but I couldn't get the wires out of the view and for the first few, I accidentally left the camera all whacked-out. Well, and just possibly I may have accentuated the effects a bit in post-processing.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

March 02, 2010
· Arts (11 fragments)
· · Photos (980 more)
· Dailyshoot (57 more)

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