In full, that’s the First International Workshop on RESTful Design, abbreviated as (sigh) “WS-REST”. It’s next April in Raleigh, NC, co-located with WWW2010, and I’m on the program committee; the call for papers is now open. I wish I’d been the one to think of setting this up, and I’m happy to be part of it. In the REST space, there are a ton of people out there Just Doing It, and I’d be happy to see a lot of submissions which report on lessons from that, rather than diving into hypertext casuistry. Get ’em in.
Comment feed for ongoing:
From: Jeff Dickey (Jan 05 2010, at 01:16)
Tim, I wouldn't be surprised if "WS-REST" wasn't an intentional dreadful pun; here's a worldwide workshop on web services that actually work.