I got mail from Frank Cohen saying “We just released TestMaker 5.0, could you give us a plug?” Hey, why not; I don’t know the first thing about the software so this is not an endorsement, and the phrase “SOA Governance” gives me a mild wave of nausea, but Frank’s a good guy, a long-time proponent of dynamic languages on the JVM, and anyhow the software’s Open-Source. Hey Frank, does it talk REST?


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From: Frank Cohen (Aug 17 2007, at 12:21)

Thanks for the "plug" Tim. The shameless side of my mind appreciates it! :-)

One thing I forgot to point out is TestMaker 5.0 ships with full support for the JSR 223 ScriptEngine API. So now you have your choice of language to create unit tests in Java, Jython, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, and the 15+ others supported by the ScriptEngine API.

And, yes, TestMaker supports REST and AJAX testing. We provide an extensible protocol handler library called the Test Object Oriented Library (TOOL) that unit tests use to speak the native protocols of the system being tested. TOOL ships with handlers for HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, XML-RPC, and the email protocols. Also, TestMaker comes with HTMLUnit to do Ajax testing.

About the SOA Governance thing... we've added the ability to call TestMaker as a test service. Check out our integration with SoftwareAG WebMethod's X-Registry to get a flavor of it at http://docs.pushtotest.com/docs/index.html



author · Dad
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August 16, 2007
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