That bad weather I wrote about a couple weeks ago is still bad, the baby and I are both sick; things could be lots worse but complaining is a sacred human right. With pictures.

Wind and rain and wind and rain and wind and rain. There was an episode of what they call “sunlight” the other day and I snapped this moderately-pretty tree across the street.

Tree with a few yellow leaves left

A couple of nasty windy days later those yellow leaves are gone; here’s that same tree and its neighbor at sunset.

Autumn sunset, Vancouver

The baby girl is having her first cold; it started out with a maybe-related eye infection; she looked like Marty Feldman with a hangover, or like someone who came out on the short end of a long boxing match. Now her eyes are better, but she’s congested and can’t eat properly and can’t sleep properly and so neither can we, and she gave me the cold too so I feel like severely sleep-deprived crap; Lauren is getting less sleep than me and needs more, so it’s not good all around.

Down South they’re having Thanksgiving, thank goodness, it means not much email or telephone traffic, I can prop myself up in front of the computer and pretend half-heartedly to work.

And thanks are due, she’s basically a healthy baby and in a few more days we’ll be enjoying her twinkling smiley eyes again.


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From: Rob Cottingham (Nov 24 2006, at 08:07)

Eugh -- sympathies all around. Our girl had a cold a month ago that started in her eyes as well, and promptly went household-wide. My only advice: watch for strep throat. The sooner you can spot it and take action, the better.

Best of luck!


author · Dad
colophon · rights

November 23, 2006
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