That local spelling is nicer than the ugly English “Munich”; the even uglier airport code is MUC. It’s a rich, shiny, gleaming place.

I was lucky and ended up in an 18th-floor hotel room with a good view out over the city, here seen at sunset.

Sunset over Munich

In the evening, we went to the Paulaner beer restaurant; not having much of a taste for South German beers, I stayed with their Pils, which was fresh and excellent. The cuisine was traditional:

Dinner at the Paulaner beer restaurant, Munich

The copper piping behind the bar is very pretty.

Copper piping behind the bar at the Paulaner beer restaurant, Munich


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From: JB (Nov 08 2006, at 10:03)

Lucky you didn't get the sauerkraut with the sausage!




From: John Cowan (Nov 08 2006, at 10:16)

Hmm. Perhaps we anglophones should have called it Monkstown instead.


From: Asbjørn Ulsberg (Nov 09 2006, at 00:34)

But sauerkraut is delicious! Especially when served with fat food. Top it with a little bit of Aquavit and you have the perfect fat-"killing" combination. ;-) By the way, in Norwegian, München (or Munich) would be "Munkeby". I'm glad we don't translate names all that much.


From: Lars Marius Garshol (Nov 09 2006, at 00:53)

You missed out by choosing the Pils. Paulaner Salvator is one of the world's great beers. A bit too powerful for some, admittedly, but definitely something that should be tried.


author · Dad
colophon · rights

November 07, 2006
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