This meme’s been sloshing around since early December, which seems too early to me. Herewith my year in 12 cut-and-paste sentences, all about technology. (For the rest of life, see here.)
January: What am I doing categories for? What is anybody doing categories for? What is everybody doing categories for? February: Chat and wikis are not exactly what the collaborative-future visionaries of past years had in mind. But they seem to hit an awfully-big 80/20 point. March: Java is boring. April: This discussion is too important to be left to the batshit license loonies. May: Whether or not you really think Harmony is worth doing, you have to like people who are hurling themselves at big tough problems, and not in the interests of getting rich. June: It’s a lot cheaper and more tractable (and power-efficient) to double the number of threads than to double the clock rate. July: The kinds of people who want to put stupid, irrelevant, badly-written junk in the Wikipedia in my experience are easily discouraged. August: All the software fashion slaves will tell you: down on the plantation, Massa’s new missus is a far-Eastern belle named Ruby. September: Those who know what curl is are probably snickering now. October: “We’re doin’ our best, Cap’n... Aaaaaaaaagh!November: 8. There is no Step 8. That’s all there is to it. December: Software of the future will be Open Source, will have a sophisticated and smart user interface, will take responsibility for making sure it’s up to date, and will meet essential human needs.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
December 31, 2005
· Technology (89 more)

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