I haven’t been watching that much hockey this year (basketball’s my winter game) and I hadn’t seen Ottawa play, and I hadn’t seen one of the new-rules shootouts. Until this evening; on TV mind you, but if they were all going to be like this I’d see about getting some tickets. The Canucks got away with the win, barely, four deep in the shootout. They actually didn’t play as well I’ve seen them in a couple of other games this year, but still it was good hockey on both sides. If Vancouver had been playing a team that had an actual human being in goal, as opposed to Dominik Hašek, the Senators would have been toast. I’ve always thought that the shootouts in soccer were lame and pathetic and stupid, but let me tell you, a hockey shootout is first-rate fun. We’re starting to get the occasional high-def game, too; I may become a fan.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
December 09, 2005
· Sports (5 fragments)
· · Hockey (8 more)

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