Just some pretty pictures, that’s all folks, nothing here to think about, move right along. Including, along with the title shot, one AFS, one AFSF, and a plum in a dishrack.

No Bears · The title shot is taken in Vancouver’s Stanley Park, which is one of the world’s greatest only we hardly ever go there because we live here. But on the weekend the kid had a birthday party at the Aquarium and we got there a little early to pick him up and went for a walk among the many tourists having a good time as a result of which I have to say if you’re a tourist and you’re in Vancouver and it’s sunny you ought to go visit, there’s a whole lot of there there. ¶

So I’ll skip right over the artists and the old guy playing Pachelbel’s famous Canon on an electrified echo-drenched one-stringed Chinese violin (wonderful!), and get right to the bears. This used to be the Vancouver Zoo only we shut it down because we felt bad about putting big animals like bears in spaces like this. Now the space is empty and sad, I can remember thirty years ago when Dad and my brothers and I got stuck watching two bears wrestle in the water in this exhibit until my Mom was about ready to kill someone. Still, look closely at the metal and there are saw-blade edges on it, it’s not happy empty or full either.

Empty bear enclosure at the former Stanley Park Zoo, Vancouver

AFS · If you are a photographer on the Left Side of the continent, in particular one who likes beaches, eventually sunsets come to haunt you and you keep refusing to take any more pictures of Another Sunset until AFS comes along and compels you to yet another. ¶

Another Vancouver sunset

Another sunset.

If you fly back and forth between Vancouver and San Francisco a lot and you have a camera in your pocket, you end up taking lots of pictures of San Fran. Resistance is useless, you will haul the Canon out of the pocket and press it up against the window.

San Francisco from the air

Another San Francisco

Finally, a plum. We missed the peak of the crop this year, but still pleasure a-plenty here.

Peach in dishrack

author · Dad
colophon · rights

August 16, 2005
· The World (155 fragments)
· · Places
· · · San Francisco (17 more)
· · · Vancouver (158 more)
· Arts (11 fragments)
· · Photos (987 more)

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The opinions expressed here
are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

A full disclosure of my
professional interests is
on the author page.

I’m on Mastodon!