Pretty well all of my creative energies in recent days have been consumed in thrashing at the Java underbrush, so instead of actually thinking and writing, I’ll cough up some undigested links, ain’t the Web grand? First, this Matisse Project demo has been getting tons o’ buzz, but what I like is the silky-smooth Czech accent. Second, Dervala’s friend Tim Vetter got an astounding Mission-district picture. Third, David Megginson simultaneously explored Ruby on Rails and PHP, never previously having considered either; his conclusion may be surprising. Fourth, Clint Combs writes up another interesting RSS/Atom app. Finally, John Cowan is pumping out technolinguisticophilosophical gems, several per day in recent days, don’t miss ’em.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
June 12, 2005
· The World (148 fragments)
· · Life Online (273 more)

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