As you can well imagine, Jonathan Schwartz’s decision to go online has involved plenty of internal discussion, and some anxiety on the part of our legal and PR staff. But once you think about it, it’s not really that big a deal; a guy like Jonathan is typically talking to journalists and analysts and other outsiders every week, sometimes every day; so this in fact is probably a lower-risk activity, since he’s not being intermediated by someone who might have their own agenda. Obviously he’s going to have to be careful in the quiet period around our earnings, but they learn about that in executive kindergarten. We had a talk off-line and I recommended that he write a few pieces in advance of launching, to give it some momentum. Jonathan said, “I’ve already written nine, this is great, every time I think of something that needs saying I can just say it!” I think that guy’s hooked. And for the first few minutes after launch, until the proof-readers got there, one of the pointers on the front page was to a famous journalist, name mis-spelled. Now that’d be your world-class irony.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
June 29, 2004
· Business (126 fragments)
· · Marketing (58 more)

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