In my opinion the single best online source for war news (in the last 24 hours anyhow) is the BBC's Reporters' Log, a blog-style thingie where all the reporters they have scattered around the arena post news snippets right then as they happen. You notice I haven't included a pointer to it because these morons have set it up so it gets a new URL every day! I bookmarked it, and was upset it wasn't updating, and noted that the last posting was 2345GMT, and what do you know.

Here's a step-by-step cookiecrumb trail to it, in case some of these intermediate URLs change too: Start at the main BBC World News page (often worth a visit for its own sake), then pick the In depth page, from there pick conflict with Iraq, and under that there's a “War diaries” entry that'll get you there. Sigh.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
March 20, 2003
· The World (151 fragments)
· · Journalism (37 more)

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