 · Technology
 · · Text

Mobile Typing Pain · I ran a Fediverse poll asking how people go about entering text on mobile devices. The results shocked me: Half the population just taps away. Do you? Read on for details and speculation ...
Unicode Scalar Value · Suppose you’re writing code (or defining a protocol) that involves interchanging messages, and those messages include text for humans to read. You owe it to the world to make any such text Unicode, so that the humans can use Korean or Arabic or whatever else they live in. It turns out to be non-obvious how to say “do Unicode right.” Today’s ongoing piece exists to tell you how ...
All About Electric Text · This is not exactly a review of Yannis Haralambous’ Fonts & Encodings; that would be the work of years, and I doubt there’s anyone in the world qualified to discuss the whole thing, except its author. This new O’Reilly book is about a thousand pages in length. It’s impossibly ambitious, irritatingly flawed, and probably only comprehensible to a single-digit number of thousands of people world-wide; but for those people it’s an essential book, you just have to have it ...
Unicode and Ruby · I gave a presentation called I18n, M17n, Unicode, And All That at the recent 2006 RubyConf in Denver. This piece doesn’t duplicate this presentation; it outlines the problem, some conference conversation, and includes a couple of images that you might want to steal and use in a future Unicode presentation. For those who don’t know, “i18n” is short for “internationalization” (i-18 letters-n), “m17n” for “multilingualization”, and you can call me “T1m” ...
Rotated Floral Heart Bullet · No really, it’s a Unicode character, U+2767 if you must know. I found it here (warning; won’t display properly in most browsers) via Zeldman. I made a really big picture; read on for a look ...
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